Saturday, April 24, 2010

IE 7 error when downloading?

Here is the deal...Microsoft is pretty much usless to me as they're no help at all. Everytime I go to DL something off Microsofts website I get to the DL page I choose the appropiate connection and then a window pops up saying that the IE page can not be found it can either be a misspelling, connection problem or the page is not working. So I diagnose the connection and it tells me that there are no problems. This has been going on for months.

I opperate with Windows XP pro, IE7 and I know I have all the appropriate hardware to upgrade to MS office 2007. I have cleared the cache, checked my firewalls and also checked my security settings.

If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. I need this software for my classes.

IE 7 error when downloading?windows 95

Why not use Firefox?

IE 7 error when downloading?download ie internet explorer

deal with it
dont know, either wrong link or sever busy. try sea monkee or mathon broswers, both good, both free

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