Saturday, April 24, 2010

IE and Firefox issues...???

I have just un-installed internet explorer 7 and installed firefox. I am having numerous firefox pop-ups and blank IE windows that pop-up. Any help or fixes for this appreciated. Thanks.

IE and Firefox issues...???

make firefox your default web browser.the the moment you have IE as the default browser

IE and Firefox issues...???uninstall internet explorer internet explorer

If you must use IE, then go for IE 6. Its more stable than this "trial version" thing they call IE 7. On the firefox issue, uninstall it, re-start your system then re-install. Hope this help
You just have to define your default - FF

I use both FF and IE, because many times when a site doesnt open or something doesn't work in one it works with the other.

FF is faster in many procedures but it's too 'heavy' and tends to slow the computer really down

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